Thursday, July 5, 2007

And then Caroline said.....

So, we were shooting off fire works, right. And Caroline was gazing up into the night sky with the wide-eyed wonder of a three-year-old. We shot a couple of mortars and shortly following that, Caroline excitedly jumped and pointed, exclaiming in her blonde-ish perky way, "Oh look, pink!.....It's a thing!" However, Caroline's countenance fell as she became suddenly fascinated by her shoes. "Never mind, it was just an airplane. Later commenting, on the mistake, she had this to say, "I'm a sad, sad person with a sad, sad life. It's not my fault! I was excited and got caught up in the moment! I thought it was a thing.....a firework thing."

That's my sweet sis =)


Warren said...

It's a firework thing, you wouldn't understand.

Caroline said...

ok have a good chuckle at my expence! it's not like you've never said something dumb when you were excyted. At the moment i can't think of anything. some day G .... Some day!