Tuesday, April 22, 2008

I Hate School!!!!!!

in case you didn't read the title it goes into my deep feelings about school. I really want it to be over!!! I like learning but isn't there a better way? some times i wish everyone knew what they wanted to do when they grew up like me! So we could all just learn what we needed to know! but then i guess that would be stupid! cause then we wouldn't have most of the personallities that i love! so ennyways, lets get down to the nitty gritty... Okay! you guys, I didn't really have anything to say... I just like quoting stuff!
Know why? Know why? Because i distinctly remember putting a hat on top of my head. look at your little arms. They could never reach! te-he!


Katelyn said...

I LOVE YOU! And it's not just because the rum is always gone. No, it goes deep into the innermost reaches of my spleen. It's because they're taking the hobbits to Isengard. Have a gravy day, baby sis. Can't WAIT to see you.

Caroline said...

You gotta be kidding me! I feel that way about you Every Day! But sometimes I fart in your general direction! because your mother was a caterpiller and your father was a werm! Feel it! go on! I made them! anyway, I just wanted you to know, I was rooting for you!
I love you more than all the Pea in the ocean! One of these days you'll have to remind me to do two of the monologues I came up with! one's about how Jelly is a poser and the other is about how frustrating it is when mom thinks she has to ask you something and then she's shocked when you don't know the answer!

Love and Kisses!!