Wednesday, August 5, 2009

My Bucket List (not in order)

1. Show love to someone who is generally hated.
2. Go to Europe for my honeymoon.
3. Take my time going through the Louvre
4. Make/be in a cinematic masterpiece.
5. Write a novel.
6. Get a Kristen James original for my first red carpet event.
7. Be in two places at once.
8. Work on a movie with Johnny Depp.
10. Be a mommy.
11. Stay friends with Emily Coalson forever!
12. Help support missionaries around the world.
13. Bring back the beauty and goodness of the movies.
14. Win an acting award without having to take any clothes off.
15. Make a brooding, aloof guy smile.
16. Forgive so completely that I can look the people who have wronged and will wrong me that I can look them in the face and not cry.
17. Be the next Sabrina!
18. Dance with my husband and my kids.
19. Drive to Minnesota with my mom to visit my Katie!
20. Watch my kids come to the Lord.
21.Go to Africa and put in some water wells and share the gospel.
22. Comfort a stranger.
23. Be homeless for a week
24. Wake up to sunshine and guitar music.
25. Hold hands on a walk…


Katelyn said...

You are the most delightfully wonderful woman in the world and I love you very much, sister! Come visit me! I love your sweet heart.

Caroline said...

I need to come see you!! I miss you a ton!!!