Wednesday, August 18, 2010


At age 19, i had thought that I could have a conversation with adults my senior and voice my opinions freely. That was until today. The words, "you'll get it when you're older" used to be applied to me and my opinions often... (pre puberty) by older teens. It always left me feeling shunned, irrelevant, and always with a sort of pang in my throat and sting in my nose. That same feeling of irrelevance and hurt seemed to rush back as one that i look up to most uttered, " you'll get it when you're older". at this moment i did feel as if i had nothing to offer. Nothing relevant to say or do or think today. like that awkward child who didn't ever quite know what to do with herself. I just left the room. It is times like these that i don't even recognize the very grown-up young lady who talked with her friend's parents about ecclesia for ten minutes last night. I do thank God that even the ones I respect most, my family, friends, or school are not what defines me. It's Jesus. Whatever my lot, though has taught me to say It is well, it is well with my soul.

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