Thursday, October 15, 2009

random facts from my facebook notes... about me.

1. I think my birthday is a holiday.

2. I love to read but only when i get in the mood.. it's complicated.

3. I still have stuffed animals but they aren't in my room.

4. I drink a cup of hot tea almost every day (peppermint is my favorite)

5. I love fancy coffee!

6. cute stuff makes me talk in a higher voice... yeah i don't really know why

7. I have so many inside jokes with people they have become part of my natural speech...

8. my favorite color is blue... (there's a story behind that but i won't take the time...)

9. I love and hate chick flicks at the same time.

10. I don't have a favorite movie because there are too many that i love.

11. my favorite flower is the pink tulip... why? because i said so!

12. i like the outdoors to an extent...

13. i lived in Amarillo till i was 16..

14. I loved Amarillo but a lot of people don't know that I love Austin a lot! It fits me so much better!

15. I'm really bad at talking on the phone!! Stop calling me and get on facebook! or come see me! or write me a letter!

16. i want to act when i grow up! heck, i want to act right now!

17. I always wanna yell at lazy people...

18. I love to draw.

19. i like to shop for nothing and come back with stuff!

20. i'm a planner... i'm a bad planner but i'm a planner.

21. i can't stand liars! it's one of my only big deep peeves.

22. I like to cook... but not everyday.

23. There are 5 Bobbitt kids. I am the second.

24. i love to have a good time with my friends.

25.I love ultimate Frisbee! I can play if you let me!!
25 and a half. I HATE mushrooms!! it's a texture thing.

1 comment:

Katelyn said...

You just made my day! I love it! I hope you're doing well, my flower! You're my favorite Caroline on the planet! I love the planner thing...there's a big fat ME TOO there. Haha. I love knowing about you. Heck, I just love knowing you. You make the best you! Well, actually, Jesus made technically HE makes you the best you. But you know what I mean. Keep leaning on Him Sis.