Monday, November 23, 2009

I am learning this week!

Jesus I amazing isn't he?!?!?!?!?! !!!! Ya He is!!! I was so blessed by my Dad's teaching this Sunday!!! Inspired and refreshed! He taught on the woman and Jesus at the well. There was a lot to say about the fact that, in that society, that beautiful scene NEVER should have happened because of the morals and lines the Jews and Samaritans had drawn years and years before.
But Jesus, full of love, compassion and holiness, offered her living water. The bible does say without holiness, you can't see God. But the holiness it speaks of is not mine. Jesus was the only way that i could see God because he is holiness. Not morality, which would never have even addressed the woman (who went and proclaimed to her whole village of the Christ), but the holiness of Christ! Not afraid to get right up next to dirty people and love them, and eat and drink with them!!! I love him! Isn't Jesus so AMAZING?!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! anyway, HOLINESS!!!

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