Saturday, August 18, 2012

Greetings from the bathroom!

It is almost midnight. I am in the bathroom trying to stay busy because tylenol doesn't seem to work on the pain going on in my mouth. I got my wisdom teeth out earlier in the week and thought I could go from the major drug to this but it seems the only thing that helps is staying busy. I miss sleep. I have been thinking a lot lately about pain. All kinds of pain. Pain grows you, shows character, hollows out shallow places, breeds new perspective(good or bad). Pain exposes who we are. I can think of multiple times in my life especially in the case of my family because, after all, that is where i am probably most exposed and therefor hurt when there has been excruciating pain. The thing about that is, when I trusted God with the circumstances, I never came out angry or distrustful. Knowing that Jesus loves me and he wants the best for everyone is a challenge sometimes. But, if I don't have expectations from the get go, I can wait and watch his amazing plan unfold.

Thank you, lord, for all the awesome gifts you have given us and the people who are there to encourage us in the spirit everyday. See there? If I hadnt been in pain tonight, I would have missed this!

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