Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Open my eyes!

Lately I have been reading a lot... ok, that's a lie. I have been listening to a lot of books and reading a little. Anyone who knows me very well, knows that when I am still, i am drinking coffee and talking with someone and the rest of the time I'm moving; so it makes more sense for me to listen to books as i work. I have been reading a lot about the heart of the Lord. His unending affection for his people and His heart for them to know him. Pride gets in my way so often when it comes to my heart mirroring his!  When I see people so stuck in their ways that being right becomes more important than loving the person in front of them, my eyes open and my heart hurts! Being right is so important in fact and letting their over-shared opinions be heard, that people become hateful towards those people that are stumbling around in the dark! The very ones God is trying to reach are being more and more repulsed by the people who claim to represent Christ every day. Facebook, twitter, bumper stickers, politics, protests, the hurtful things people say are everywhere. It's embarrassing. Then, though, I must examine my life. I am not innocent of these things either. Just last week I was , I feel, unkind to a man in my class who rubbed me the wrong way. I was told that it didn't show when i expressed my frustration for this man to an older woman in out class who said, "your rude is really nice". Never the less, i should have kept my cool and prayed through that instead of gritting my teeth and "sucking it up". If God is really my God and Jesus my savior, lover, friend,... Then I must act as though he is or my words will fall on deff ears. No one cares to listen to someone who does't actually care. So, before we post to Facebook, tweet on twitter, pass on that bulk email, forward that text, or make that comment, we should all probably ask, "God, open my eyes. Is this going to bless this person or give them a bad taste for another person with whom we are to share the kingdom "?

"Open the eyes of my heart, Lord. I want to see you, I want to see you, to see you high lifted up! Shining in the light of your glory! Pour out your power and love! as we sing holy holy holy!!"

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